There's No Such Thing as a Fleet That's Too Small for Breakdown Cover
Businesses come in all shapes and sizes and many come with fleet sizes to match. Smaller organizations with just a few commercial vehicles – or even just one - often think fleet breakdown cover is an unnecessary expense and something only large operations require. But when you consider how reliant your organization is on its vehicle and how regularly your fleet vehicle is in use, it might give you pause for thought. There really is no such thing as a fleet that’s too small for breakdown cover, as the following points will show.
Fleet Breakdown Cover is Affordable
In fact, we would argue that you can’t afford not to protect your commercial vehicle with fleet breakdown cover, with very good reason. The moment your vehicle breaks down, whatever business activity it is being used for breaks down with it. Fleet breakdown cover is cheaper than you might think, so have a look at the options on offer to find a breakdown policy that fits your needs. Payments can be spread over the course of the year to make it even more affordable, whatever your budget.
One Fleet Vehicle Is Still a Fleet
Even if you have just one commercial vehicle for your business, you can still protect it with fleet breakdown cover. Policies for fleet vehicles really do fit businesses of any size, so there’s really no excuse not to cover your business against breakdown and roadside assistance. You can even manage your vehicle’s needs up to and including MOT testing and servicing, all included as part of the policy, to give you even greater protection and peace of mind.
Fleet Breakdown Cover is Part of Your Business’ Duty of Care
Every business is obliged to adhere to their duty of care – a legal obligation to make sure that the workplace is safe, and this includes any driving involved in the running of the business, day or night. Even if it’s just you driving your one-fleet vehicle, you will still benefit from the protection and safety of breakdown cover features such as roadside assistance, national recovery, onward travel, unlimited callouts and more, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
A small business deserves the same level of protection and assistance as the biggest companies out there, and taking out breakdown cover supports the needs of any small business with a fleet. It also reflects what the business is worth – and to a small business operator or sole trader, their business is often not just a business, but also a passion and a way of life. Stay on top of your fleet vehicle needs with Fleet News, however small your fleet is, and help your business grow from strength to strength.