Does Your Fleet Need Dashcams?
Cited as a significant development in the fleet world, dashcams have been making headway of late as a popular addition to the fleet vehicle across all businesses. Many organizations are weighing up the pros and cons of making the investment in dashcams at this stage. Whilst quality varies depending on the model, every company with a fleet can make a more informed choice with this rundown on the benefits of a dashcam addition.
Evidence of Accidents
When it comes to accidents that occur whilst driving, eye-witness accounts can be unreliable at best, and many drivers are vulnerable to staged accidents set up by fraudsters trying to take advantage of fleet insurance, or even other drivers who simply wish to shirk their liability in the event of an accident. A dashcam will record the events as they really happen, eliminating a great deal of uncertainty, which can make it a worthwhile investment for many fleet managers.
Protection Against Damage Whilst Parked
Another area for concern is the damage that can occur to a fleet vehicle whilst parked. With no one to take responsibility for the damage itself, it is left up to the fleet operator to cover the costs, and the larger the fleet, the bigger the concern. Third party drivers who damage a fleet vehicle without leaving their details have a greater chance of being caught when a dashcam has been installed, which offers a little extra peace of mind in the event of this happening.
Fleet Drivers
Although all businesses will ideally vet their drivers carefully, it can be worth monitoring the driving skill of employees and associates to safeguard against any complaints and uncertainties. The reputation of a business can rest in part on the driving skills and attitude of a fleet driver, and apart from anything else it’s worth knowing how well a driver is taking care of a fleet vehicle. From a fleet driver’s perspective, many drivers are welcoming of the addition of a dashcam to their vehicle, since responsible drivers will have proof of their conscientious attitude in the workplace and are thus covered against disputes.
Taxi drivers and small fleet owners especially are finding dashcams to be a prudent investment in terms of protecting their business on the road. And whilst dashcams are far from being a legal requirement, the Government is certainly embracing them as a useful tool against fraud, with many fleet vehicle owners and operators following suit. Fleet News provides comprehensive and up to date information on any developments in this regard, so it’s worth signing up to the newsletter for updates as and when they happen.