Top 7 Tips for Driving Through France
Ah, France. One of the most popular driving destinations for Brits for years, it could not be easier to hop across the channel and enjoy all this delightful country has to offer. From continental city streets to winding country roads, driving in France is even more fun if you prepare for your trip in advance. Follow these handy tips to make the most out your visit to our closest European neighbor and be rewarded with a road trip that goes smoothly.
Carry a Breathalyser Kit
It’s the law in France that all drivers have to carry a breathalyser kit in their car. Remember too that the legal limit in France for milligrams of alcohol in the blood is lower than in the UK, so do be careful! A breathalyser kit can be handily stowed in the glove box out of the way and taken out should you find you need it.
Children Under 10 Must Sit in the Back
Not a popular rule with kids who are 9 going on 19, but it’s the law in France, so this is one rule they cannot argue with. Make sure all your seatbelts are in good working order in the back so that everyone can buckle up safely.
Leave the Radar Detector at Home
Although they might be a tempting piece of kit in order to avoid speeding fines, radar detectors are a big no-no in France. In fact, if you’re caught with one, even if you’re just storing one in the boot, the authorities will quickly slap you with a fine of up to €2,000, so you have been warned!
Carry a Spare Bulb Kit
Ever mindful of safety, the law in France states that if you break a headlight bulb it cannot wait for a garage, but instead has to be replaced on the spot
. Spare bulb kits are cheap to buy, easily obtainable and won’t take up much space in your car, so if you’re making regular trips to France you might want to leave one in the boot so you don’t have to worry about remembering to pack it each time.
Pack a Warning Triangle
Another safety regulation for drivers on French roads is to carry a warning triangle in the car at all times. A lot of car manufacturers these days provide one with a new car as standard, but it’s always worth checking, even if your car is brand new. If on the other hand your vehicle is more of the well-used and well-loved variety, a warning triangle is an easy addition to your French road trip kit.
Keep a High Visibility Jacket in the Car
Sticklers for safety and with good reason, French law makers have long since decided that if you are driving in France, you must carry at least one high visibility jacket in your car. These can be folded up and tucked away somewhere very easily, which means one jacket for you and one for a passenger is an easy requirement to meet.
Enjoy Your Trip!
A lot of people worry about the prospect of driving on the ’wrong’ side of the road, especially when they’re heading to France with their car for the first time, but it doesn’t need to be as daunting as all that. Just relax, focus and enjoy.
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